Anthropogenous noise promotes the increase in noise level over natural background and affects negatively live organisms therefore noise and vibra-tion are objects of environmental pollution. In-creased noise level and vibrations remain one of the most burning issues for urban areas. The main sources of noise and vibration impacting on the territories of the city are motor transport, construc-tion equipment, industrial enterprises and plat-forms, engineering equipment of buildings, the noise of a household origin in territories in quarters of houses. Therefore the problem of fight against noise in all its manifestations was and remains ac-tual. The objective of this research is the assess-ment of noise levels and vibration from motor transport in the territory of the city of Vologda within ecological researches under construction. During research measurements of noise levels on city streets were carried out. Noise level and vibrations were measured by means of analyzers of noise and vibration. By the results of research on one site actions for protection against the impact of vibration were not required. On separate sites the installation of noise reflecting or noise-attenuating screens is necessary; planting trees and bushes carrying out noise-protective function is required. The depend-ences between the levels of noise loading and vi-bration were not revealed. The value of coefficient of correlation makes 0.084 showing almost zero dependence of sizes from each other. On the stud-ied sites it is not revealed noise levels exceeding and high levels of vibration. Special events for pro-tection from noise are not required as the maximum values are not exceeded.
city ecology, urban environment, noise pollution
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