The inventory of Olkhinsky plateau (Southern Baikal, Irkutsk Region) habitats game mammals has been executed. Average ecological indicators of population density in optimum and suboptimum habitats for the fox, the sable, the ermine, Siberian weasels, the roe, the elk and Manchurian deer re-flecting division of the territory on its suitability for dwelling of this or that species of game mammals offered to use at hunting, silvicultural design of the territory, carrying out new biotechnical actions of the organization and management of the existing specially protected natural territories (SPNT), and also any actions connected with management of hunting resources or somehow influencing them are calculated. The regression models of communi-cations of factors of the environment and popula-tions of the lynx, the sable, the kabarga, Siberian weasels, Manchurian deer, the hare, the boar, the bear, the squirrel, the ermine, the fox facilitating understanding the nature of these communications were created. The population of the lynx is corre-lated with the number of Siberian weasel and the bear, the height of snow cover, average tempera-ture of May and the sum of positive average month-ly temperatures. The number of Siberian weasel population correlates with average temperature of May. The number of the sable is negatively con-nected with the number of the ermine and average temperature of May. The population density of the ermine is negatively connected with the number of the sable. The number of the kabarga is positively connected with the number of the bear and nega-tive with the sum of rainfall in December, and the number of the bear grows with the growth of the number of the kabarga. Manchurian deer’s fluctua-tion of number is connected with negative impact of average temperature of July and the sum of rainfall of June, and in the hare - with the number of Man-churian deer and the sum of rainfall in January of the year preceding the account period. The number of the boar shows negative communication with average temperature of October. The population density of the squirrel is negatively connected with the sum of rainfall of August. The number of the fox shows negative communication with average tem-perature of June. To explain ecological reasons of the number of found mathematical communications is quite difficult therefore they are likely to have casual character.
fox, sable, Siberian weasel, ermine, elk, Manchurian deer, roe, habitats inventory, hunt-ing taxation, population number dynamics, Baikal Region
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