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Abstract (English):
In the study the structure and condition of green plantings of central streets of Ussuriysk of Pri-morsky Region were analyzed. The main objectives of the research were conducting the examination of city plantings and giving the assessment of vital condition of woody plants used in city gardening. The main tasks of the research were: 1) the con-clusion about vital condition of woody plants in city environment; 2) collecting and the analysis of data on the occurrence of woody plants in city planting; 3) collecting and the analysis of the most often oc-curring damages of woody plants by wreckers and diseases given about. The research was conducted on city street with big transport loading, continuous recouples of woody plants of linear planting located in close proximity to the carriage way of the road-bed with their division according to species and measurement of diameter of the trunk at the height of 0.5 and 1.3 m were carried out. In addition, each woody arboreal’s age condition was estimated, damages of the trunk and leaves were defined, the assessment of vital state (visually, with reference of surveyed tree to one of categories was given: healthy, weakened, strongly weakened, dying off and a dead wood). The conducted researches showed that woody plants as the object of research in most cases belonged to the category of healthy or moderately weakened. The index of vital state fluctuated from 50 to 100 %. From surveyed types the smallest indicator of vital state of the birch ridge (50 %) and the highest was the lilac ordinary pos-sessing (100 %). High level of vital state is ex-plained by rather young age structure of surveyed plants as young age woody plants possess high resistance to harmful influence of factors of urban environment. The need for carrying out supervising actions for sanitary condition of green plantings, being one of the main tasks on the increasing the stability of woody plants in urban environment, is also proved.

green plantings, urban environment, woody plants, ecology, territories, wreckers, dis-ease
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