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Abstract (English):
In 2014-2016 in the southern forest-steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan on lixivious chernozyom field multiple-factor experiment which purpose was to study the influence of organic ferti-lizers on the condition of elevated part of plants of medium early potatoes cultivated in the conditions of natural moistening and under irrigation was made. The tasks were to carry out the analysis of supervision over the dynamics of growth of vegeta-ble tops, to reveal the correlation and regression dependence of height of stalks and their quantity on the species, doses of fertilizers and the back-ground of moistening. On experimental allotments potatoes of Nevsky variety with introduction of cat-tle’s manure and birds’ dung in the doses of 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 t/hectare and without fertilizers, with application of irrigation and in the conditions of boghaire agriculture were cultivated. The area of registration allotments was 16 m2, the frequency was triple. The density of planting made 37500 pieces/hectare, the width of row-spacing was 70 cm. The technology of cultivation of potatoes corre-sponded to the zone system of agriculture. During plants vegetation while blossoming, withering of vegetable tops and cleaning of five dug typical bushes of potatoes from each frequency was car-ried out. The calculation of the quantity of stalks was performed; the height of plants and their weight were defined. It was revealed that the irriga-tion promoted the extension of vegetative period of medium early potatoes. The greatest mass of haulm of the plant of potatoes was formed from blossoming phase to the phase of withering of tops of vegetable and averaged at one plant by experi-ment options 200 g on boghaire and 270 g under irrigation. Under irrigation in the plants of potatoes were formed 1-2 stalks more than under boghaire. The introduction of the dung and cattle’s manure in the doses of 100 and 120 t/hectare did not lead to strengthening of growth of tops of vegetable both under irrigation, and boghaire. High extent of rela-tion between the stem heights of the species, the dose of fertilizer and the background of moistening, average extent of relation between the quantity of stalks, species, the dose of fertilizer and the back-ground of moistening was revealed.

potatoes, cattle’s manure, birds’ dung, irrigation, boghaire, haulm, plants mass, the plants’ height, stalks quantity, multiple regression
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