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Abstract (English):
In the Russian Federation 93-95 % of solid mu-nicipal waste is the subject to dumping. Thus about 35 million tons of the waste is annually formed, and this indicator annually grows. Designed grounds for placement of solid municipal waste have to conform to the requirements of the legislation in the field of environmental protection and ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population. Thus the accounting of territorial features is obligatory. It was revealed that only 3 of 45 objects of waste place-ment in the Republic of Buryatia are intended for dumping of solid municipal waste. They are located in Ulan-Ude, Gusinoozersk and the settlement of Zaigrayevo. In other settlements of the republic the objects not conforming to the requirements of standard and legal documents are operated. 586 unauthorized dumps located on the area of 349 hectares with 29879 m3 of waste were identified in 2016. The grounds of solid municipal waste in the Baikal natural territory are projected and operate in the conditions of ecological restrictions. Difficult engineering-geological and climatic conditions also belong to the territory features. It is a mountainous terrain, the existence of especially protected natural territories with the set specific mode of use, dan-gerous hydrological phenomena. These factors first of all are considered when carrying out environ-mental assessment of these objects, at the ac-ceptance by the commission of experts of the deci-sion on the possibility of realization of objects for examination. Environmental assessment of project documentation on construction of grounds of solid municipal waste in four municipal areas revealed the number of essential remarks which main part is connected with discrepancy with the Territorial scheme in the field of the address with solid munic-ipal waste of the Republic of Buryatia.

ground of solid municipal waste, environmental assessment, Baikal natural territory, Territorial scheme
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