Providing the population with clear drinking wa-ter is the most important direction of social and economic development of the Chechen Republic. As a result of monitoring of quality of drinking tap water in apartments of consumers of Lenin district Grozny (Pushkin St. and Communist St.) during 2016 the data on the level of impurity of water by toxic agents and its physical parameter were ob-tained. Sanitary and microbiological researches showed the presence of heat-resistant bacteria and colibacillus in the tests of water of consumers of Lenin district of Grozny pointing to the discrepancy to the sanitary standards for the quality of drinking water. However, the maintenance of ions of ammo-nium, nitrites and nitrates in the tests of drinking water did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC). For example, the contents of nitrate ions varied within 0.109-0.329 maximum concentration limits during 2016. The content of chlorides in drinking water in Grozny in Pushkin St. and Communist St. also did not exceed maximum concentration limit. A significant amount of sulfate ions in the studied tests of drinking water was ob-served in summer and made 0.576 and 0.528 max-imum concentration limits both in Pushkin St., and in Communist St. respectively. The content of irons in the studied water of 0.500-0.633 maximum con-centration limits is caused by an emergency condi-tion of water pipes of the parting network. The con-tent of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, zinc and cop-per) was not beyond admissible concentration. One of the reasons creating risk to health of the popula-tion is the increased rigidity of drinking water. Drink-ing water rigidity in spring and in summer almost twice exceeded maximum concentration limit. The existence of sandy-argillaceous deposit and turbidi-ty indicates the discrepancy to sanitary standards of tap water in consumers’ apartments of Lenin dis-trict of Grozny.
drinking water, Grozny, Chechen Republic, heavy metals, water hardness, ecological state, maximum permissible concentration, turbidity of water, bacterial contamination, organoleptic qual-ities of water
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