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Abstract (English):
Wax moth is among the most dangerous wreck-ers of a honey bee and is widespread everywhere. Its larvae cause extensive damage to beekeeping. Chemical insecticides applied to fight against a wax moth have negative impact on human health, eco-logical wellbeing and production quality. An alterna-tive method of fight against a wax moth is using bioinsecticides harmless to people and warm-blooded animals. At the Department of Microbiolo-gy of FSBSI ‘FEZRVI’ on the basis of the strain of Bacillus thuringiensis 846-Bt bioinsecticide proto-type was developed for fight against a big wax moth. The data on toxic action of preparations on the basis of Bacillus thuringiensis on warm-blooded animals’ organisms are very limited therefore study-ing of acute toxicity of experimental preparation "Antigallerin" on rabbits was the purpose of the re-search. The Researches were conducted on rabbits in the conditions of a vivarium of FSBSI ‘FEZRVI’. The rabbits were divided into groups up to 3 heads in each. One group served as control, the others as experimental. The toxicity was studied when draw-ing the preparation on skin, at introduction to stom-ach and inhalation effect in three doses. After ren-dering the corresponding influence the animals were observed within the next two weeks. Hemato-logic and biochemical blood tests were conducted. The received results testify that the prototype of the preparation "Antigallerin" at single influence in test doses with different methods of influence does not cause changes in general condition of laboratory animals, hematological and biochemical studies revealed no changes in clinical status, that proves the safety of the preparation for warm-blooded an-imals.

"Antigallerin", Bacillus thuringiensis, wax moth, rabbits, acute toxicity
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