Oncological diseases affecting smaller pets re-main one of the most pressing problems in modern veterinary medicine. Different authors in their stud-ies sufficiently determined that oncological patholo-gies in cats and dogs depended on their age, sex, and breed. Numerous studies also indicate that mammary gland tumors are widespread condition in animals. The objective of the research was to determine the frequency of occurrence of tumors of mammary glands in the structure of other new tu-mors in dogs and cats in the conditions of Ulan-Ude, on the basis of the results of histological re-search to carry out their diagnostics and verifica-tion. Dogs and cats of various breeds and sex and age groups having oncological pathology served as material of researches. The material received from tumors was fixed in 10 % solution of neutral forma-lin with subsequent histological processing and preparation of histological cuts 5-7 microns thick. Some results of research of spontaneous neo-plasms in dogs and cats of different breeds and sex and age groups diagnosed in the conditions of Ulan-Ude are given. In their structure first place is taken by tumors of mammary glands, then tumors of skin, genitals, mouth, bone tissue, internal. The smallest percent is the share of tumors of soft tis-sues. The diagnostics and verification of neoplasms was carried out using histological method of re-search which showed that in dogs benign tumors of mammary gland prevailed. On the contrary, diag-nosed tumors of malignant character for cats were more often. Benign mammary gland tumors in cats were represented by mammary fibroadenoma, and mammary gland cyst; malignant tumors - by cystic papillary carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, tubular carcino-ma. Among benign neoplasms in dogs were found benign mixed tumor, and fibroadenoma. Malignant tumors were represented by cystic papillary carci-noma, osteosarcoma and fibrosarcoma. The study is illustrated by evident drawings macro- and mi-cropreparations of tumors of mammary glands of dogs and cats; detailed histological description of micropreparations is given.
tumors, mammary gland, dogs, cats, structure, histology, Ulan-Ude
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