N sheep farms of the Republic of Tuva, in some cases there is enzootic ataxia, most often recorded among newborn lambs. As a result of the research, experimental data on clinical and hematological parameters of healthy and sick animals were ob-tained. Studying of clinical and some laboratory indicators of blood healthy and lambs with hypocu-posis and their changes in indications during their treatment was conducted in the period from 2015-2016 on the basis of sheep breeding and in the Republican Veterinary Laboratory of the Republic of Tuva, as well as at the Department of Therapy and Clinical Diagnostics of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Buryat State Academy of Agriculture named after V.R. Filippov. In accordance with the tasks assigned, the groups of healthy and sick with enzootic ataxia lambs were selected according to the principle of conditional analogues. The selec-tion in groups of experimental and control animals was carried out taking into account their physiologi-cal state and the results of clinical and laboratory studies. 20 lambs were examined clinically and la-boratory tested, 10 were subjected to research and 10 were clinically healthy (control). In the blood ob-tained from jugular vein, the total protein, glucose, acid capacity, calcium, copper, iron, as well as the standard laboratory methods were used to study the amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leuko-cytes, platelets, ESR, and derive leukocyte formula. It has been established that lambs with enzootic ataxia exhibit clinical signs of nervous system dam-age, as well as signs of symptoms of hypocu-premia, hypoproteinemia, hyperglycemia and oligo-chromia. As a result of using copper sulfate solution as the medicine for the treatment of sick animals, its positive therapeutic effect was established and clinical and hematological parameters in lambs were normalized.
enzootic ataxia, copper, microele-ments, indicators, treatment, disease, drug
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