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Abstract (English):
In the study the results of researches of tests of drinking water for 2016 are given for the territories of 10 settlements: Alkhan-Churt, Tsentaroy, Itum-Calais, QatarYurtas, Allera, village Kalinovskaya, the city of Shawl, two points of the city of Grozny, Khankala. The level of impurity was determined by the content of iron, cadmium, lead, zinc, manga-nese, ammonia, sulfates, nitrites and determined general hardness of water. According to the re-searches the content of nitrites in tests of water varied within 0.0003-0.0097 maximum allowable concentrations, and the content of sulfates of 0.0144-0.768 maximum allowable concentrations. The content of cadmium and manganese didn't exceed maximum allowable concentration and was within 0.0463-0.71 and 0.0002-0.03 respectively. Insignificant quantity also was in the content of lead and zinc in tests of the maximum allowable drinking water concentration 0.0084-0.201 and 0.0003-0.177 respectively. The hydrogen indicator рН in all tests was close to unit and it testified about high water quality. The content of iron in all tests didn't exceed threshold limit value too and made 0.067-0.33 maximum allowable concentrations. The prob-lem of drinking water is connected with rigidity. In the villages of Alkhan-Churt, Tsentaroy, Itum-Calais, Katar-Yurt and down Turgenev St. of the city of Grozny the hardness of water didn't meet sanitary standards. Especially in tests of drinking water of the village of Alkhan-Churt the rigidity in-creased almost 2.3 times. And in the village of Alleroy, the village of Kalinovskaya, the city of Shawl, down Rosa Luxemburg St. of the city of Grozny, Khankala the hardness of water corre-sponded to maximum allowable concentration. Ac-cording to the analysis the most qualitative drinking water among the studied points was in the village of Alleroy, and the most low-quality was in the village of Alkhan-Churt.

drinking water, threshold limit value, oil products, heavy metals, Chechen Republic, pol-lutants hardness, of water city of the Shawl, city of Grozny, villages of Alleroy, Alkhan-Churt, Itum-Calais, Katar-Yurt, Tsentaroy, village Kalinovskaya, Khankala
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