The analysis of the condition of forest fund and forest shelter division into districts of Transbaikal Region according to the Center of protection of the wood of Transbaikal Region was carried out. At the same time the relationship of the condition of forest plantings with climatic and anthropogenous factors was shown. Detailed characteristic of plantings with broken and lost life sustainability was given. The data on the centers of wreckers and diseases of the wood, their area and dynamics of development were provided. The forecast of further forest patho-logical situation was shown. Climatic changes of the last years, accumulation of extra felling clutter promote the emergence of wildfires. After under-gone fires formed dead wood, was exposed to the influence of by insects-wreckers leading to new clutter and fires. In the following years noticeable deterioration in sanitary state because of the clutter of the woods is predicted that will cause the risk of wildfires and the emergence of the centers of in-sects-wreckers, and also fast, in comparison with other territories, decrease in ecological stability of planting, exhaustion of its biological diversity. Now the processes of forest degradation, the last years damaged by the fires caused by the population of insects wreckers and the development of diseases continue. At untimely holding sanitary and improv-ing actions (logging of the rest) of forest plantings emergence of the centers of stem wreckers, wind-falls and windbreaks is possible. The damage by insects led to a number of serial changes in forest communities causing loss of the increase, easing and death of forest stands, change of species structure of plantings. The maximal death of plant-ings was observed in 2009 on the area of 681.0 hectares, and minimum - in 2007 on the area of 75.0 hectares. The condition of the plantings af-fected with wood diseases had weak and average damage rate, and in general, it was estimated as satisfactory.
forest plantings, fires, insects-wreckers, Selyaninov’s hydrothermal coefficient, the threat of forest pathology
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