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Abstract (English):
The description of age and local features of stomach’s lymphatic channel in dogs is given in the study. The research was carried out at Khakass State University named after N.F. Katanov (the Re-public of Khakassia). The material of research was mongrel dogs (n=58) of five age groups: newborns, weaning age, puberty age, physiological maturity and old-aged. In the course of study the methods of interstitial injection of coloring material into lymphat-ic channel, preparing whole-mount stained samples of lymphatic vessels, preparing cleared samples, making histological sections, and morphometry were applied It was found that lymphatic capillaries were the roots of all gastric membranes in dogs and together with all lymphatic post-capillaries and intraorgan lymphatic vessels of the first order form the uniform lymphomicrocircular course lying in the form of networks in each cover of body. Intraorganic lymphatic vessels of the stomach were available for dogs as a part of all covers of body: mucous, muscular and serous. Afferent lymphatic vessels, regionar lymph nodes and efferent lym-phatic vessels were a part of the extraorganic lym-phatic course of the stomach in dogs. Regionar lymph nodes for the stomach in dogs were: gastric, splenic, pancreatic and duodenal and hepatic lymph nodes.

lymphatic capillary, lymphatic ves-sel, lymphatic course, lymph node, stomach, dog, post-natal ontogenesis
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