Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was the identification of perspective beans and cereals grass mixture per-ennial grasses for forage production of Krasnoyarsk Region. Research problems were to estimate the productivity of green material of perennial beans and cereals; to estimate the efficiency of perennial beans and cereal grasses on collecting solid and power efficiency; to establish optimum specific structure and the ratio of components of mixes of medium-term haymaking when bevelling in slick-ing-budding phase. The laying of experiments and observations was made according to the technique of All-Union Research Institute of Forages in 2010-2016. The mixes of perennial grasses on the basis of the following types acted as the object of the study: beardless, timothy grass, alfalfa hybrid, sandy sainfoin, eastern galega, sweet clover, meadow clover. Controls were one-specific crops of a herd grass meadow and alfalfa hybrid. The effi-ciency of perennial bean and cereals depended on weather conditions of years of research, specific structure grass mixture and ratios of components in them. When mowing in the budding-budding phase, a smaller variation in the yield of green mass and productivity in comparison with cereal and bean controls was noted in grass mixtures of perennial legume-grass grasses. The controls significantly exceeded in the yield of green mass and the collec-tion of dry matter of timothy and alfalfa grass mix-ture rump 65 % + timothy 30 % + alfalfa 65 %, rump 65 % + timothy grass 30 % + sainfoin 65 %, rump 65 % + timothy grass 30 % + clover 65 %, rump 65 % + timothy 30 % + melilot 65 %, rump 75 % + timothy grass 40 % + alfalfa 75 %, rump 75 % + timothy 40 % + sainfoin 75 % and rump 75 % + timothy grass 40 % + clover 75 %. In terms of energy productivity they exceeded the control of grass mixes rump 65 % + timothy grass 30 % + alfalfa 65 %, rump 65 % + timothy grass 30 % + sainfoin 65 %, rump 65 % + timothy grass 30 % + galega 65 %, rump 75 % + timothy grass 40 % + alfalfa 75 %, rump 75 % + timothy grass 40 % + clover 75 %. The blends of rump 65 % + timothy grass 30 % + alfalfa 65 %, rump 65 % + timothy grass 30 % + sainfoin 65 %, rump 65 % + timothy 30 % + galega 65 %, providing dry matter collection 2.795-3.256 t/hectare and energy productivity 27.0-30.3 GJ/hectare were promising when mow-ing in budding-budding for forage production of Krasnoyarsk Region.

yield of green mass, collection of dry matter, energy productivity, legume-grass grass mixtures of perennial grasses, fodder production
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