Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The studies of bloodstream of papillae on stom-achs taken from cattle of five age groups were con-ducted: newborns, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 18 months. It was established that the arteries in the papillae of rumen were closely related to their size and shape. In the rumen of newborn calves from branches intramurales vessels of the first-third order in the papilla moves one of the Central arteri-ole, then extremely arteriole were formed. During the first month of life the diameter of central arteri-oles of papillary increased by 27.5 %. At the age of three months, the papillary branching of vessels increased by one order of magnitude, the diameter of central and extremely arterioles increased by 38.9 % and 47.9 %, respectively. In addition to cen-tral and extremely arterioles 2-3 short vessels feeding papilla were reviewed. At the age of 6 months in the papillae of the rumen 3-6 arteries depart from branches intramurales vessels in 1-5 orders of magnitude. The diameter of central papil-lary artery, reaching the apex of the papilla was equal to 72.4±2.11 µm, extremely arterioles - of 40.66±0.40 µm. At the age of 18 months and older the papillae of the rumen consisted of from 6 to 12 vessels, where they branch to the sixth order. Large arteries in the apex of the papilla dichoto-mously were divided into two equal-diameter branches and anastomosing each other by the type of arterial arches. In filiform and lanceolate papilla blood vessels branch trunk type in broader, in papil-la foliaceous - loose or mixed. The degree of vas-cularization of venous vessels in the papilla of the scar was 2-3 times higher than arteries.

vessels, ruminants, cattle, multi-chambered stomach
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