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Abstract (English):
In the study the questions of the influence on formation of economically valuable qualities (leaves length, weight, pigmentary complex, vitamin C) of green leaves of onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties Shtutgarter Rizen of various biostimulators: Ferovit, Epin-extra, NV-101, Novosil (VE) and also water infusions of onions peel and honey motley grass were considered. For leveling the impact of differ-ent factors of environment on the growth and de-velopment of plants the experiment was made with fivefold repetition in closed laboratory conditions. The effect of biostimulators depends on the content of their active agent and also on the dose, time and frequency of their application. Biostimulators cannot completely replace mineral nutrition for the plants grown in hydroponics conditions, but can help to balance the nutrients consumption and their distri-bution in plants. These connections increase the growth and energy of plants due to the increase of the efficiency of absorption of nutrients and water. The use of growth regulators in the experiment in-significantly affected the length of onions green leaves, however, significantly stimulated the accu-mulation of weight at the expense of increase in their quantity and width. When using the prepara-tion "Ferovit" the mass of onions green leaves ex-ceeded the control twice, the maximum speed of length gain in leaves was 1.2 cm/a day, i.e. 1.3 times more than in control option. The application of biostimulators in different degree stimulated the accumulation of chlorophyll of all types in onions leaves practically in all options, except for the op-tion with Epin's application where 1.5 times de-crease of concentration of this pigment on average was noted in the relation to the control. The use of regulators of plants growth in the experiment in general did not promote the accumulation of ascor-bic acid in onions plants. Only using honey solution considerably stimulated vitamin C accumulation concerning the control (the increase of concentra-tion by 1.6 times). On optimum combination of indi-cators of quality of green leaves of onion as the best option for its cultivation in closed culture in the conditions of hydroponics it is possible to consider application of the preparation "Ferovit".

biostimulators, green onions, chlo-rophyll, vitamin C, weight, carotinoids
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