In the last decade in Russia including Krasno-yarsk Region in the creation of new breeds and improved dairy cattle gene pool of imported breeds, in particular, the semen of bulls of Holstein breed are being intensively used. Along with a set of val-uable qualities of animals of this breed the offspring are passed on to undesirable characteristics that have negative consequences. The aim of this ex-perimental work was to conduct comparative eval-uation of productive and biological characteristics of daughters of red-and-motley, Holstein Canadian and Danish breeding. The data for milk production of daughters of bulls of different breeds and eco-genesis are provided. The yield of milk, protein con-tent and fat in milk of cows of breeding reproducer were analyzed. Reliable advantages of the daugh-ters of bulls of Danish and Canadian selection on the yield of milk were established. For the yield of milk for the first, second and third lactation group they exceeded the first group (control) in 457. 4 kg (P>0.999), 487.8 kg (P>0.99), 230.3 and 693.4 kg (P>0.999), 522.1 kg and 851.0 kg (P>0.999), re-spectively. The daughters of the bulls of Canadian selection were significantly inferior to the daughters of bulls of red-motley breed at the mass fraction of fat in milk for lactations - 0.03 % (P>0.95), 0.14 % (P>0.999), 0.18 % (P>0.999) and protein - 0.04 % (P>0.99), 0.06 % (P>0.99), 0.05 % (P>0.999), re-spectively. The main reasons for disposal of cows from the herd were established: gynecological dis-eases, obstructed labor and complications after them, diseases of udder and limbs. Breeding work aimed at improving milk production, without consid-ering adaptive ability of animals to technologies can contribute to early retirement of animals from the herd. Therefore, along with selection on productivity it is necessary to conduct the selection of animals for resistance to diseases.
Holstein breed, red and motley breed, milk yield, adaptive selection
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