Studying of current manifestation, pathoanato-mical changes of bodies at bronchial pneumonia in calves and also the development and application of new scheme of treatment for agricultural production cooperative "Mir" of Nizhny Novgorod Region be-came the objective of the research. Researches were conducted during the winter and spring of 2017 at the Chair of Anatomy, Surgery and Internal Noncontagious Diseases of FSBEI HE "Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy" on the basis of dairy and commodity farm of APC "Mir" of Nizhny Novgorod Region. 3 groups were created. The 1-st experimental group - calves with established diag-nosis of bronchial pneumonia, the scheme of treatment of animals included Enroflox (5 %) and one-chloride iodine. The 2-nd experimental group - calves with established diagnosis of bronchial pneumonia; the scheme of treatment the animals included Eufillin (24 %), Bicillin-3 and the solution of Trypsin. The 3-rd group animals were clinically healthy and served as control. As a result of con-ducted researches it is possible to conclude that the developed complex scheme of treatment ap-plied to the 2-nd experimental group was more ef-fective in treatment of bronchial pneumonia of calves in comparison with the scheme of treatment applied to the 1-st experimental group and allowed to reduce illness time to 4-5 days. Hematologic analysis showed considerable improvements of the condition of experimental animals. Economic effi-ciency of application of developed scheme of treatment consisted of reduction of terms of treat-ment of sick animals, prevention of damage and decrease in costs of treatment of sick calves.
calves, bronchial pneumonia, com-plex therapy, Enroflox, Eufillin
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