Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The researches are devoted to studying the morphogenesis of hen oviducts at early stages of post-incubatory ontogenesis. In the study the data on macro- and micromorphological indicators of oviducts are provided for age interval 1-15 days. On the basis of conducted researches it was estab-lished that in the cranial part of the oviduct of chickens the thickness of the epithelium increased 1.4 times, and in caudal part the thickness of the epithelial layer practically did not change during analyzed period. At 15 days of age the thickness of the epithelial layer in the caudal part of the oviduct was 1.12 times greater than in the cranial layer. Cytometric parameters (the area of the nucleus, the area of the cell) of epithelial cells in both sections of the oviduct increased insignificantly during two weeks It should be noted that the area of the nuclei of the epithelial cells of the caudal part of the ovi-duct at 15 days of age was 1.42 times greater than in the cranial part. The height and width of the folds of the mucous membrane of the cranial part of the oviduct increased during analyzed period. 1.09 times and 1.07 times respectively. In the caudal part of the oviduct there was insignificant decrease in the height of the folds of the mucous membrane with simultaneous increase in their width.

the oviduct, chicken, morphogene-sis, ontogenesis
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