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Abstract (English):
The mesh spottiness caused by hemibiotrophic mushroom of Pyrenophora teres is one of the most harmful diseases of barley. The pathogen is adapted to various climatic conditions owing to the infection met in all regions of barley cultivation, in-cluding Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. From 2015 till 2016 from leaves of the struck grades of barley grown up in Kazakhstan and Omsk Region 233 monoconidial isolates Pyrenophora teres were emitted. Cultural morphologic properties of colonies of isolates studied on Czapek medium (HLM). A big variety of morphologic and cultural signs was ob-served. Six morphological types B, BT, BG, Dgt, Bgt and DgBT were allocated besides noted mixed colonies, such as BT, BgT; BG, DgT; B, BgT; DgBT, DgT; Bgt, WgT. Among isolates mor-photypes of DgT and DgBT appeared to be the most widespread colonies. Isolates P. teres allo-cated from different grades of barley significantly differed in growth rate of colonies on nutrient medi-um. Three groups of isolates were revealed: slow growing, middle-growing and fast-growing ones. Among them fast-growing isolates prevailed, they were registered almost in all surveyed regions. It was established that the diameter of colonies of isolates especially did not influence the intensity of colonies growth. Thus isolates with a smaller diam-eter of colonies sporulated well on a nutrient medi-um, and isolates with a big diameter of colonies were weakly sporulating. Emitted P. teres isolates can be used in immunological researches for selec-tion of grades of barley on resistance to mesh spot-tiness.

barley, mesh spottiness, Pyrenoph-ora teres, isolate, conidias, morphotype, sporula-tion
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