Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was the detection of sys-tematic, horological cenoecologic and other fea-tures of endemic and relicts that is the basis for florogenetical constructions and establishment of features of flora and history of its formation. The study was performed on the basis of field research- es on the territory of Sunzhensky and Tersky ridges within Chechnya and Ingushetia. Collecting herbar-ium material was carried out by traditional route method in combination with detailed research of the most interesting floristic complexes. The main way of fixing floristic information was herbarium collect-ing. In the course of work the records of supervision of ecological, high-rise and phytocenosis features of types were kept. The existence in the structure of flora of endemic and relic types is absolute meas-ure of its originality and the degree of originality is defined by the percentage of endemic and relic types. In the flora of Sunzhensky and Tersky ridges within Chechnya and Ingushetia there are 41 spe-cies of relic plants: 24 - tertiary; 13 - xerothermic; 4 - glacial. Among relicts representatives of boreal complex (21 species) dominate; the influence of Mediterranean flora (10 types) is noticeable; the presence of Holarctic types (6) and 4 relicts - bind-ing geocells; 13 relicts of flora of Sunzhensky and Tersky ridges within Chechnya and Ingushetia are included in the Red List of the Chechen Republic. In studied territory 16 endemics of the Caucasus, or 12.4 % of the total number of the Caucasus were registered.

Sunzhensky and Tersky ridges, en-demics, relicts
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