The researches were made in tundra and forest-tundra zones of Krasnoyarsk Region. In the experi-ments grass-roots and upland grasses were studied with accelerated formation of the sod: meadow grass, red fescue, Siberian wild boar, rumpless stubble and fescue. The combination of preceding processing of seeds with stimulator Baikal M-1 machining of the soil (double milling) and simultaneous introduction of min-eral fertilizers in N60P60K60 dose with the norm of seeds seeding of 100 kg/hectare it is possible to re-ceive steadily artificial meadow phytocenosis with vegetative mass up to 1.6-1.8 t/hectare in solid at productivity of natural grounds of 0.3-0.4 t/hectare. The way of increasing the productivity by means of preceding processing of seeds of BAV Phytop 8.67 with the subsequent top dressing with mineral ferti-lizers is also effective. Introduction of full fertilizer in the dose of N60P60K60 increases the productivity of plants in 1.14 tons, sharing the azofoska with Phy-top 8.67 - on 1.16 at single application of probiotic and in 1.29 tons at double application in compari-son with control. The analysis of the results shows that the growth and development of sown herbs in severe conditions of subarctic zone undergoes changes in comparison with vegetation of plants in more southern regions of the country. When form-ing artificial meadow formations it is obligatory to use mineral fertilizers increasing their vegetative weight 4.0-4.5 times in comparison with natural meadows. It is necessary to pay special attention to these features of growth and development of sown meadow grasses on the Yenisey North in order to create artificial meadow phytocenoses on techno-genically broken lands.
sown meadow plant phytocenosis, technogenically disturbed soils, root system, water erosion, mineral fertilizers, probiotics, growth pro-moter, grass mixtures
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