Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Enough attention is paid to the dynamics of the number of the roe because it is popular object of amateur hunting. Understanding of the questions of the density of these species fluctuations is im-portant not only for hunting farms and the relevant services at allocation of quotas, but also for the detection of general regularities allowing develop-ing the actions of rational use of the resource. The purpose and research problems consisted in the description of algorithm of statistical processing of studying of the state and dynamics of the number of Siberian roe. The data of long-term ranks of indi-cators of Siberian roe density of eleven hunting farms of Irkutsk Region were analyzed in the study. The analysis of the possibility of assessment of dynamics of the number of Siberian roe with stage-by-stage use of mathematical apparatus was car-ried out. Generalized algorithm of statistical data processing, received as a result of the winter route account was presented. In four cases in the analy-sis of coefficient of determination temporary de-pendence of the indicator of population density was found. For such farms making short-term forecasts is possible and important when planning hunt farm-ing work. In three farms intra line communication was not traced. In one of such farms the peak of the number testifying about the mistakes in regis-tration work organization or about abnormal migra-tory activity of roes was noted, i.e. this moment demands further more detailed analysis. Zigzag dynamics of population density of the roe was typi-cal for the farms where the coefficient of determina-tion fluctuated from 0.3 to 0.7. In similar cases for the analysis of dynamics the selection of the law of probability distribution is recommended or it is nec-essary to divide the time series to segments.

natural resources, the Baikal Re-gion, Siberian roe, methods of population counting, time and space analysis, population dynamics
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