The purpose of researches was to study the in-fluence of various norms of seeding as main pro-cessing method of cultivation of Astragalus inopinatus boriss., influencing the productivity of green mass and seeds in the conditions of Baykal area. The productivity of green mass of Astragalus inopinatus boriss. of the first year was low and de-pended on the density of grass. Depending on var-ious norms of seeding the size of elevated green material fluctuated and increased with the increase in the norm of seeding from 7.6 to 11.7 t/hectare. In the first year of life there was intensive formation of plants root system of, its weight in the layer of earth to 50 cm made 3.6 t/hectare, the height of plants by the end of vegetative period (the first decade of September) reached 45-50 cm. At higher norm of seeding (18 and 21 kg/hectare) the density of plants standing increased in comparison with the norm of 12 kg/hectare (163 pcs /sq.m) to 261 pcs /sq.m (for 60.1 %). In the second year of life the height of plants made 55-65 cm. High productivity of green mass - 27.3 t/hectare during this period provided crops of astragal with the norm of seeding of 15 kg/hectare. In the second year of life, in view of aggravation of intraspecific competition which increased in the process of increase in the norm of seeding, the productivity of green material de-creased from 27.3 to 20.6 t/hectare. It led to the deterioration of conditions of formation of the main morphological features of plants: the density of grass (decreased to 183 plants on 1 sq.m), the ar-ea of leaves (to 33.8 thousand sq.m/hectare of plants), photosynthetic potential (to 2.3 million sq.m/hectare/days), that was the main reason of the decrease in the productivity of green mass. The highest productivity (average for 2 years) was pro-vided by crops of astragal to which formation the norm of seeding of 15 kg/hectare - 17.8 t/hectare of green material and 0.57 t/hectare of seeds were applied.
unexpected astragal, Astragalus in-opinatus B, introduction, legume, cultivation tech-nology, perennity, drought resistance, plant density, leaf square, plant competitiveness, photosynthetic potential, seeding rate, yield, green mass, seed productivity
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