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Abstract (English):
The research objective was the definition of the influence of producing bulls on indicators of dairy efficiency and morphofunctional properties of the udder of their pure-bred Holstein daughters in new natural and geographical conditions. For realization of specified purpose the tasks to study the following indicators were set: the yield of milk for a lactation, milk fat (%, kg) milk protein (%, kg), the live weight, dairy index, udder index, specific weight of animals with different form of an udder. Comparative analy-sis of indicators of dairy efficiency of daughters of different manufacturing bulls showed superiority of descendants of the bull Pilot over the descendants of other bulls on the yield of milk for a lactation (for 1.0-4.5 %), milk fat (on 0.01-0.04 abs. %), to the exit of milk fat (for 2.0-4.8 %), milk protein (on 0.01-0.02 abs. %), to the exit of milk protein (for 1.6-4.7 %). The daughters of all manufacturing bulls were characterized by good development, confirming their superiority of standard of breed on live weight for 17.0-21.5 %. By making a produc-tion unit, judging by milk index size, the daughters of the bull Pilot whose indicator was higher differed in the most effective payment of forage, than the daughters of the bulls Ray-Mar Legend and Shark respectively for 4.8 and 6.7 %. The highest intensity of milk yield characterized the daughters of the bull Pilot which superiority over descendants of other bulls made 1.2-5.2 %. Among the firstcalf cows-heifers of various origins the specific weight of ani-mals with desirable bowl-shaped form of an udder was equal 78.8-81.7 % and it was descendant to the bull the greatest Ray-Mar Legend, the smallest was in the descendants of the bull Shark.

cow, breed, productivity, forage
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