Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was studying the influ-ence of the complex of microelements (zinc, cop- per, manganese, iron and cobalt) together with L- aspartic acid (organic form) on morphological indi-cators of the blood of pigs. For carrying out the ex-periment 3 groups of pigs at the age of 35 days, up to 15 heads in each were created (by the principle of analogs). The animals were tested up to getting 7-month age by them. In control group the main diet was used, in the 1st experimental group 7.5 % of mi-croelement (helate) complex (Zn - 7.5 mg / 1 SV kg was added; Fe - 7.5; Cu - 1.5; Mn - 3.0; Co - 0,07 mg / 1 kg of SV of forage) with L-aspartic acid (organic form) and the 2nd group - 10 % (Zn - 10.02 mg / 1 SV kg; Fe - 10.02; Cu - 2.0; Mn - 4.01; Co - 0.1 mg / 1 kg of SV of forage) were used respectively. The blood for research from the ani-mals was taken at the beginning (35 days), in the middle (4 months) and at the end of the experiment (7 months) from lateral ear vein and preserved 5 % water solution of sodium citrate. Blood test was conducted on the automatic PCE haemoanalyzer - 90Vet, biochemical analysis was carried out using BioChem SA analyzer. The results of research showed that the addition of 7.5 % and 10 % of the complex of trace elements (zinc, iron, copper, manganese and cobalt) to the diet did not adverse-ly affect the results of animal blood tests, and, therefore, did not disturb the course of metabolic processes and body homeostasis, which was more vivid in animals of the 2nd experimental group.

complex additives, L-aspartic acid, control groups, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leuko-cytes, total protein, homeostasis
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