Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to study and de-scribe clinical and pathoanatomical manifestation of infectious process in piglets caused by bacterial agent of Staphylococcus haemolyticus. The re-search problems were to reveal and describe the main pathoanatomical changes of piglets’ bodies under bacterial damage caused by Staphylococcus haemolyticus. The research was conducted on the basis of FEI HE " Moscow State Academy of Veter-inary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I Scriabin" and FSRI "All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Science named after Ya.R. Kovalenko". Carrying out clinical examination of animals, pathoanatomical research of the corps-es which fell and the animals killed with the diag-nostic purpose, and selection of pathological mate-rial were carried out in the conditions of private livestock enterprise on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia in 2017. In the study the case of de-veloping of infectious piglets disease at the age category of 14-90 days with atypical manifestation for the most often met infections, the Republic of Mordovia recorded in the territory of the pig-breeding enterprise was described. Multiple ab-scesses of skin in 10 % of livestock of piglets of specified age group became the main clinical signs, and also purulent-fibrinous arthritis and periarthritis in 3 % of pigs. The autopsy of the animals that died or were forcedly put down showed adherent fibrin-ous peritonitis with the formation of adhesions be-tween bowel loops, as well as pyosepticemia mani-festated in multiple liver abscesses and synechia between organ capsule and parietal peritoneum. The main manifestation of the disease in the tho-racic cavity was diffuse catarrhal-purulent broncho-pneumonia. The mortality rate of piglets demon-strating symptoms of the disease reached 90 %. As a result of laboratory examination it was found that the cause of the described clinical features and pathological changes was circulating of bacterial isolate Staphylococcus haemolyticus. This research is the first one to describe the case of infectious pathology caused by Staphylococcus haemolyticus in pig farms of the Russian Federation.

pathomorphological diagnostics, pathological and anatomical features, infectious diseases, unspecified etiology, septicemia in pig breeding, food independence, risk analysis, epizo-otic process
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