Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to estimate the in-fluence of temperature stress on the condition of leukocytes of early age chickens blood. The re-search problems were the definition of general con-tents of leukocytes, their cellular structure and phagocytic activity at alternation of low and high temperatures that models production situation at violation of technological detention regime of young growth of hens of the first days of life. The research was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy and Surgery of Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine of Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University in Sep-tember, 2017. The influence of low and high tem-peratures on white blood cells was studied in two groups of one day old chickens. The poultry in the first group was within 24 hours at the temperature of 40±2 ° C, then within a day - at the temperature of 20±2 ° C. The chickens of the second group were contained 24 hours at the temperature of 20±2 ° C, and the next days - under infrared lamp with gradual heating to 40±20 ° C. As material for researches blue heparinized blood served. As con-trol initial indices of one day old chickens were used. In total blood from 40 heads of the poultry was investigated. The characteristic of leukocytes of the blood of one day old chickens, their general contents, cellular structure, the ratio of heterophiles and lymphocytes and phagocytic activity at thermal and cold stress was investigated. The deviations of temperature of the maintenance of chickens of ear-ly age within ±10 ° C from standard indicators quite often meet under production conditions at techno-logical violations and lead to the development of temperature stress morphologically characterized by the reduction in general contents of leukocytes from 21 to 27 % relative to background indicators, the decrease in lymphocytes number, the growth of level of pseudo-eosinophils, eosinophils and mono-cytes, short-term stimulation of phagocytic activity of leukocytes of blood by 6-15 % in comparison with initial values. The ratio of heterophiles and lymphocytes as a whole combined was low - and high-temperature influences grew by 27-31 % rela-tive to baseline values.

chickens, temperature stress, leu-kocytes, phagocytic activity
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