The results of general nitrogen and sulfur con-tent in elevated and underground organs in 2 spe-cies of Hemerocallis hybrida growing close to high-ways and industrial zones of Berdsk and Sovetsky district of Novosibirsk are presented in the study. The main sources of pollution of these territories are such as motor transport, hydroelectric power station, small and large industrial enterprises, mak-ing impact on ecological condition of the environ-ment. The purpose of the research was in com-parative studying of the content of general nitrogen and sulfur in vegetative bodies of Hemerocallis hybrida in the conditions of urbanized environment. The selection of vegetable samples was made ac-cording to the standard techniques. The content of general nitrogen (N) was determined by Kyeldal's method modified by Z.V. Chmeleva and S.L. Tyuterev; quantitative content of general sulfur (S) by spectrophotometric method. Comparative data of absorbing ability of leaf device and roots in the species of ‘Speak to me’ and ‘Regal Air’ in seven geographical points were analyzed. Raised content of general nitrogen and sulfur on the leaves of the-se species in the most intense and road sites load-ed by motor transport with industrial enterprises (Yuzhnaya St., Shlyuzovaya St., Experimental plant) 2-2.3 times higher than in control were found. Heat-sink ability of leaves increased by 1.5-2 times near motor transportation highways of Sovetsky district of the city of Novosibirsk. Interhigh-quality specifics in accumulation of stud-ied elements in Hemerocallis hybrida were re-vealed. The greatest content of general nitrogen in elevated bodies of the species of ‘Regal Air’, gen-eral sulfur - in underground bodies of the species of ‘Speak to me’ was noted. Received results can be used in ecological biotesting for the assessment of the condition of anthropogenous impact on the environment in the conditions of increased influ-ence of motor transport and industrial enterprises.
Hemerocallis hybrida, a leaf, a rhi-zome, sulfur, nitrogen, urbanized environment
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