Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective is the assessment of Pinus sylvestris growth depending on the place of growth and studying the possibility of its use for the assessment of impurity of the atmosphere. Conifer-ous species, i.e. Siberian fir-tree and Pinus sylvestris among the coniferous show the greatest gas-absorbing ability. Morphological and physiolog-ical indicators of forest stands allow approaching in complex the solution of the problem of the assess-ment of their state and pollution of the atmosphere around the growth. In the research bioindicator methods were used, generalized indicator for Pinus sylvestris on the basis of three indicators, i.e. the volume, weight and average length of needles for various regions of Krasnoyarsk Region was calcu-lated. As control objects when carrying out the re-searches young healthy pine plantings (20-40 years of age) with indexes of vital condition of indi-cators not less than 85 served. By standard tech-niques the humidity and the contents of mineral substances in needles were found. It was found out that the dust discharged by motor transport which was settling on the needles of forest stands was the main reason for the increase in the maintenance of mineral fraction of assimilatory device of Pinus sylvestris. It can be tracked, investigating ash con-tent of samples of needles in per cent: Krasnoyarsk - 1.49; the village of Kazachinskoye -1.47; the vil-lage of Momotovo - 1.42. It was found out that the density of needles, g/mm3 and increases with the reduction of impurity of air: Krasnoyarsk - 1.07+0.01; the village of Kazachinskoye - 1.1+0.02; the village of Momotovo - 1.2+0.03. At pollution of the atmosphere not only the speed of metabolism decreases, but also the water mode is broken and there is moisture loss by the assimilato-ry device leading to the destruction of cell’s mem-branes. It has been found out that assimilatory ap-paratus of conifers reacted in the first place to dete-riorating quality of the atmosphere, resulting in the decrease or increase of density, volume and growth of the needles depending on the anthropogenic load. These researches will be useful for the as-sessment of pollution of atmospheric air on regions and zonings of territories.

atmospheric pollution, Pinus sylvestris, bioindication, the region of growth
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