Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Barley is traditional grain crop of wide use, used for fodder purposes, in food and brewing industries. Barley selection must take into account agro-ecological features of the cultivation crop region, i.e. the interaction between the genotype and envi-ronmental conditions in this place. The study is de-voted to the estimation of parameters of adaptive ability, ecological plasticity and stability of varieties and samples of varieties of spring barley of Amur selection. The calculation of adaptive ability and parameters of ecological plasticity and stability was carried out on average for 3 years (2012-2014), which were very different in vegetation period. For the determination of stability parameters calculation coefficient of regression (bi) by characterizing the reaction of varieties to changes in growth condi-tions was carried out. As additional characteristic of the study of varieties is the stability variation (s2di), which indicates how the variety is responsive to environmental conditions and stable in these condi-tions. Among studied varieties and samples of vari-eties of spring barley the most plastical was the variety of Amur, belonging to the group with in-creased plasticity. This variety corresponded to a higher value of the regression coefficient (bi) as compared to other varieties, i.e this variety was the most responsive to the impact of the environment. In the Amur Region varieties and samples of varie-ties had average yield and high variability of Sh-2107, Sh-2120. From practical point of view the variety of Amur combined high yield and high ho-meostatic index but these indicators depended on the year of cultivation. The most common adaptive ability in the Amur Region had the varieties Sosed and Mishka. The variety Mishka was well respon-sive to changing conditions and stable. The most optimal balance between productivity and its stabil-ity according to the parameter Sc had the varieties Acha (13.6) and Sosed (15.0).

variety, the samples of varieties, spring barley, adaptive capacity, ecological plastici-ty, stability, variability, yield
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