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Abstract (English):
In the course of ontogenesis of different crops and varieties their resistance to salinization chang-es. The plants are usually characterized by the smallest salt-endurance at early stage of develop-ment to which belong the accumulation of biomass and the size of seeds seedlings. The researches were conducted on seeds seedlings of spring wheat Novosibirsk 15 in the conditions of influence of solution of chloride of sodium (NaCl) in the con-centration of 1.68 %. One of the techniques enter-ing big group of methods, based on the assess-ment of germination of seeds in salt solutions is used. The reduction of shoots length by 33.75 % and the length of roots by 67.32 % in comparison with control is observed. And the depression of shoots roots length is higher than the depression of shoots length for 33.57 %. The mass of elevated and underground parts of seedlings does not change. The mass of shoots decreased in compari-son with control by 47.4 %, and the mass of roots decreased for 40.3 %. That is negative influence of sodium and chloride salinization (under the influ-ence of NaCl solution with concentration of 1.68 %) is more expressed at action on the mass of shoots. Forest-steppe and steppe landscapes of Siberia come under the influence of secondary salinization because of superficial bedding of salt ground wa-ters. The raising of ground waters can go with high speed from the depth of 1.5-2.0 m, and evaporating they leave salts at the surface. In Krasnoyarsk Re-gion solonetzes are salted soils with big role in soil forming process played by exchange sodium are widespread in its steppe part. With them in the complex saline soils - salted soils which contain not less than 1 % of salts in the top layer are formed.

secondary salinization, sodium and chloride salinization, salt-endurance, laboratory and vegetative experiment, shoot length, root length, seedlings mass
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