Russian Federation
The study is based on the information obtained due to the analysis of remote sensing data (Landsat 8 system) and floristic studies in Chernogorsk сity (the Republic of Khakasia) during 2015-2016. The researches of floristic structure of urban flora were conducted according to undersat-ellite data. The flora of park and squares of Cher-nogorsk totals 142 species of higher vascular plants relating to 33 families and 105 genuses. In the city and its vicinities intensive anthropogenous influence (expanding building area) accompanied by the disturbance of vegetation cover was noted; at the same time lawns and artificial plantings were created. Due to the sinantropization of urban envi-ronment within the boundaries of Chernogorsk it is possible to allocate parks, squares, lawns and roadside vegetation. Introduced species (Populus alba L., P. balsamifera L., Acer negundo L., Sorbar-ia sorbifolia (L.) A. Braun, Syringa vulgaris L., Ulmus pumila L. and others) grow in the parks and squares. By remote sensing the areas of green zones were determined. According to their spectral indicators the quantita-tive assessment of the condition of vegetation was carried out, the most productive communities were defined. The researches showed that most of investigated green areas lacked water (according to normalized difference water index - NDWI. The indicators of vegetation index of green zones is reduced by August, but at the beginning of September the plants increase their photosynthetic mass (according to normalized difference vegetation index - NDVI). The productivity of phytocoenoses of green zones varied slightly, but the highest rates were found in the squares near the station of young tourists and near "MultiDom". Final materials are compatible with GIS-technologies and can be used for more effective planning of urban forestry.
the city of Chernogorsk, urbanology, flora, urban forestry, remote sensing, vegetation index
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