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Abstract (English):
The materials on technogenic pollution of lands with industrial emissions of JSC “RUSAL” Krasno-yarsk for 2014-2017 were presented in the study. Sampling points in the territory of aluminum plant and its vicinities were chosen. 10 cm of humic layer for research were taken to laboratory research on the content of heavy metals. In four years of super-vision it was established that the highest rates of pollution had been by heavy metals in 2017 - 13.00 mg/kg. The lands on the extent of pollution were divided into high, average, mild. The assess-ment of polluted soil was given. Total indicators of pollution of lands on five priority polluting substanc-es (IZA5) on the territory of the plant were estab-lished. The trend of growth of pollution level of the soil was monitored. Comparative analysis of indica-tors of polluting substances on maximum concen-tration limit was made. The data of the analysis of pollution of lands by heavy metals were submitted. As a result of monitoring of pollution level during the period from August, 2014 to August, 2017 in the point of static control steady increase of the content of metals, such as, lead, cadmium, copper, manganese and chrome in the soil was estab-lished. The conclusions and offers on the reduction of pollution of lands were made. The territory adja-cent to JSC “RUSAL” was unfavorable according to the indicators of the content of heavy metals in the soil. The tendency of increasing in heavy metals content in the lands was observed.

environmental monitoring, pollution, soil, heavy metals, chemical elements
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