Biomorphological features of flora are one of the main indicators of ecological conditions of habitat, because the habitus of plants as the set of adaptive lines reflects the nature of influence of environmental factors. Urban flora in the conditions of anthropoge-nous influence is its evident result and quite interest-ing in dynamics. Zonal hemixerophilic-mesophilic features of urban flora are weakened by the process-es of allochthonization, synanthropization, xerophyti-zation and terophytization. Thus synanthropization as leading process of flora anthropization occurs through the increase in fraction of apophyte (more than 80 %) at the expense of xerophytization of urban environment. The purpose of the research consists in the identification of biomorphological features of flora in the conditions of urbanized environment by means of definition of vital forms of higher plants and their analysis. The study was performed on the basis of conducted field researches within administrative borders of Sosnovoborsk (the South of Middle Siberia, Kras- noyarsk Region). The objects of the research were vascular plants of Sosnovoborsk and their vital forms. The identification of flora structure was car-ried out with the use of the method of model manu-factured urbanized landscape in addition with rout researches. As methodological basis for biomor-phological analysis of Sosnovoborsk flora two main systems of vital forms of plants were chosen: H. Raunkiyer and I.G. Serebryakov's classifications The results of researches showed the prevalence of hemicryptophyte (47.3 %) and land polykarpic herbs (59.9 %) with domination of long rooted (16.3 %), brush rooted and short rooted plants (14.7 %). Carried-out biomorphological analysis confirms bo-real and steppe character of flora caused both by zone the position of Sosnovoborsk and the tenden-cy of anthropogenous xerophytization.
vascular plants, vital forms of plants, habitus, zone situation, urbanization, xero-phytization
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