Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The substantiation of expediency of gradual se-lective felling of forests of the Republic of Vietnam is steadied by using the assortment logging by ra-tional methods and means of technological support. The review of technologies and logging cars on the example of Scandinavian countries widely applied at gradual selective loggings of Sweden and Fin-land is carried out. Now selective loggings passag-es (SLP) are carried out in mainly mechanized way with the use of three levels of parametrical execu-tion cars. These are special logging cars of easy class capable to bring down trees with a diameter up to 45-50 cm and with loading capacity up to 10-11 t, and also the easiest class for rolls of trees up to 40-45 cm and movement of freight to 7-8 t. Ex-cept special cars on the basis of all-wheel drive tractors of classical configuration of a class of draft of 1.4 and 2.0 t and specialized processing equip-ment, logging machine and tractor units for rolls of trees to 40-45 cm and with loading capacity up to 9-10 t are completed. The examples of cars for each parametrical level with justification of graphic interpretation of possibility of performance of differ-ent types of works are given when forming plant-ings from landing to continuous logging. Thus the creation of silvicultural machine and tractor units on the basis of all-wheel drive wheel tractors of classi-cal configuration will allow forming machine and tractor park of Forest Branch of the Republic Vi-etnam with low investment costs of continuous log-ging.

machine and tractor park, paramet-rical indicators, selective passage felling
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