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Abstract (English):
Widespread introduction of energy saving technologies of processing the soil promoted the increase of crops contami-nation level. One of effective remedies of fight against weeds is using herbicides. For the purpose of studying comparative influence of using new herbicides and tank mixes on crops contamination of spring wheat and barley field experiments were made. The research problem was to establish the effect of herbicides "Puma Plus", "Puma Gold" and the tank mix "Puma Super 100" + "Turbo Secateurs" on specific structure of weed plants. It was established that despite big specific variety of weed plants in crops of spring wheat and barley, the use of tank mix on average in two years allowed destroying 89.2 % of weeds quantity. Biological efficiency of using Puma Plus herbicide in crops of spring wheat averaged 89.4 % in two years. Lowered efficiency of impact of this herbicide on such weed plants as bedstrawer tenacious and bower, in comparison with tank mix was noted. The results of conduct-ed researches testify to increased stability of chicken millet and wild oats to the influence of being used herbicides. At the same time practical elimination of such species of weed plants as Tatar buckwheat, hemp weed, stubble bristle, com-mon linseed and pink soybean was established. It should be noted that the introduction of Puma Plus herbicide promoted the destruction of 89.3 % of plants of wild oats and 84.2 % of millet chicken that was more than when using tank mix includ-ing Puma Super 7.5 and Turbo Secateurs herbicides.

weeds, soil cultivation system, crops contam-ination, vegetation period, herbicides, tank mixture, biological efficiency of herbicides
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