Russian Federation
At the beginning of the previous century the production of potatoes did not satisfy population requirement and it was delivered from other regions of our and foreign countries. In the first half of the XX century potatoes were cultivated on small areas, practically in each collective and state farm. Slowly the achievements of science took root into production; the technology of cultivation was often broken. The productivi-ty of potatoes at that time made 10-12 t/hectare. In the 60-ies of the previous century with discovering large-scale deposits of oil and gas potato growing began to develop roughly. The population increased almost twice. The demand for food in-creased. In this regard potato growing was concentrated in specialized farms. The efficiency of introduction of scientific development increased, the technology of cultivation of pota-toes on seed and food purposes was constantly improved. Large-scale specialized farms have been created: agricultural firm “Krimm”, country farm "Druzhba-Niva", etc. The area of potatoes crops in the first farm made 2.3 thousand hectares, in the second - 1.2 thousand hectares. Both farms make seed material and provide other producers of area. Thus agri-cultural firm “Кrimm” grows up seed tubers from revitalized meristem. In the complex of organizational, agrotechnical and other actions special significance is attached to the variety. Thus the preference is given to the best varieties of domestic selection, and in long term - to varieties of local selection. Selection of potatoes develops in the State Agrarian Universi-ty of Northern Trans-Urals and NIISH of Northern Trans-Urals. Potatoes production every decade becomes economic in area. The reserves for increasing economic efficiency of culture have not been settled. First of all, it is necessary to create the base for processing potatoes in final product. Be-sides, in the nearest future it is necessary to increase the production of seed potatoes of the best domestic varieties for other regions of the country. Urgent task is the revival of pota-to growing in northern districts of area and maximum provid-ing local population with potatoes.
Tyumen Region, potatoes, food potatoes, seed potatoes, variety, productivity, processing
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