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Abstract (English):
The results of 14-year studying of ground beetles of bio-topes and agrobiocenoses of mountain ash in Tambov Re-gion are given in the research (2004-2017) and agrobiocenoses of mountain ash in Tambov region, the list of revealed types, their zoogeographical and ecological charac-teristics is provided, prepotent and subdominant types are revealed. About 27 wild-growing large biotopes of mountain ash across the territory of Tambov Region are studied. Spe-cific structure of ground beetles of agrobiocenosis and bio-topes of mountain ash of Tambov Region totals 53 species relating to 15 genuses. In studied agrobiocenosis 9 prepotent and subdominanty types of ground beetles which represent 94 % of all specific abundance of ground beetles of mountain ash agrobiocenosis are revealed. Specific structure of ground beetles is presented by 7 zoogeographical complexes: Transpalaearctic (29 species), European-Siberian (15 spe-cies), European (4 species), West Palaearctic (1 species), Golarctic (1 species), European-Mediterranean (1 species). As seasonal reproduction of ground beetle share: on spring (34 species), summer-autumn (10 species), autumn (6 spe-cies), multiseasonal (3 species). Ground beetles of studied agrobiocenosis on a habitat can be subdivided into some ecological groups conditionally: meadow-field (20 species), forest (10 species), meadow (5 species), field (5 species), coastal (4 species), forest and bog (2 species), eurybionts (2 species), meadow coastal (1 species), field and coastal (1 species), eurybiont meadow (1 species), field and forest eurybiont (1 species), meadow evribiont (1 species). In a range of vital forms specific structure of ground beetles is presented by the class by a Zoophagy class: surface-litter stratobionts (11 species), litter stratobionts (8 types), epigeobionts walking (9 species), surface litter stratobionts burrows (3 species), burrowing geobiont (1 species), geobiont running-digging (1 species), litter stratobionts fractured (1 species) and Myxophyceae: Georgobiani (13 species), stratobionts-skwarnicki (8 species), geohistorian-harpalidae (6 types), strategicamente (2 types), stratobionts (1 species). Zonal spectrum of life forms of ground beetles demonstrates their strong ability to domesticate wide ecological niches in the studied agrobiocenosis.

ground beetles, specific structure, zoogeo-graphical characteristic, ecological characteristic, mountain ash
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