Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Field experiments on studying the influence of using new pesticides on the contamination of crops of spring wheat and barley are carried out on an educational pilot farm of "Minderlinskoe" of Sukhobuzimsky area on leached chernozem with the high level of conidia. The greatest maintenance of pathogens is noted in the top 0-10 cm a layer of the earth in comparison with underly-ing (10-20 cm). The application of chemical means (seeds etching) and fungicides led to the decrease in the degree of soil contamination. The check of sowing material on population activators of root decay showed high extent of defeat of grain of a spring wheat and bar-ley sort Fusarium mushrooms (17 and 6.0 % respective-ly). It was established that biological efficiency of seeds etching averaged in the period of seed dressing on dis-tribution of an infection 25.2 %, on its development of 50.5 %. In the period of milky wax ripeness these indi-cators were respectively 74.8 % and 59.0 %. Carried-out assessment of effect of fungicides by means of spraying of the crops of spring wheat is one of effective and adapted preparations against the crops by not pick-led seeds allows to increase the yield no more than by 2-2.5 c/hectare. The efficiency of this reception consid-erably increases at complex combination with seeds etching. The productivity of spring wheat in experimental options with application of means of intensification was higher, than on control option. The increase of grain yield of spring wheat from introduction of chemical means changed from 4.8 to 6.7 c/hectare. Essential distinctions between experimental options in the size of grain yield were not revealed.

diseases, pests, economic threshold of harmfulness (ETH), vegetative period, biological effi-ciency of fungicides and insecticides, yield
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