In many regions of Russia in general, and the Irkutsk Region in particular there was no specialization tech-nique of optimization of branches of grain growing and animal husbandry for the main production type of farms. Offered technique allows producers to provide on the basis of standard calculations optimum load of animals on arable lands, to establish the size of the areas under forage crops, on commodity and other purposes. Initial problem of providing the livestock by sterns on the data based diets of feeding taking into account their efficien-cy that is actual task when planning production of forag- es is the basis for the technique. Therefore, taking into account farms with different specialization the develop-ment of the most optimum technique of its design is necessary for each of them. The object of its develop-ment was also set. As the main object of researches typical basic economy grain - livestock specialization of the Irkutsk Region with the following basic data was chosen: the area of arable land was 4236 hectares, fodder (dairy) cows - 402 heads, young cattle (C) - 689 heads, adult horses - 9 heads, horses of young growth - 32 heads; planned yield of milk from one fod-der head was 5000 liters a year; the productivity of the grain - 25 c/hectare and green mass perennial grasses for hay receipt - 100 of green mass of annual grasses for receiving silage - 100, silage crops (green mass) - 200, root crops - 200 c/hectare (tuberous roots).
optimization, diet, the structure of arable land using, specialization, fodder unit
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