The results of the researches on the definition of op-timum ways and terms of preharvesting removal of the tops of vegetable at the cultivation potatoes of the varie-ty Dachny are presented for climatic conditions of Primorsky Region. It was established that the terms and ways of removal of the tops of vegetable influence di-mensional and strength indicators of potatoes during cleaning, their efficiency, fractional structure. The de-struction of vegetative weight mechanically and by means of Reglon in 20 days prior to cleaning was pro-vided by the minimum efforts of separation of tubers from stolon and the rupture of stolon, and consequently, the coherence of tubers with the bush. The terms and ways of destruction of the tops of vegetable define the quantity and structure of damages of potatoes, exit of tubers with defects and affected with diseases. The de-struction of vegetative weight in chemical way in 10 and 20 days prior to harvesting reduced the quantity of tu-bers with injuries of average and high degree of intensi-ty in comparison with beveling in the day of harvesting and in 10 and 20 days prior to harvesting. In options with removal of the tops of vegetable of potatoes in 10 and 20 days prior to harvesting gross collecting was lower (29.3-33.4 t/hectare), than when bevelling vegeta-tive weight in the day of harvesting (36.1 t/hectare). At mechanical and chemical destruction of the tops of veg-etable in 20 days prior to harvesting the exit of large fraction made 5.1 and 5.9 t/hectare respectively; in 10 days prior to harvesting - 7.3 and 6.5 t/hectare; when bevelling on the day of harvesting - 8.4 t/hectare. The removal of elevated biomass of plants of potatoes me-chanically 10 and 20 days prior to harvesting considera-bly limited the exit of standard seed material - 16.5 and 16.4 t/hectare respectively, in the difference from desic-cation - 18.2 and 17.9 t/hectare and bevelling in day of harvesting - 17.7 t/hectare.
potatoes, the way of removal of the tops of vegetable, productivity, seed tubers
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