Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research was to study the composi-tion of microflora of cervical-uterine contents in sows with clinical signs of postpartum endometritis. The ob-jectives were to determine the spreading of endometritis and species composition of the microflora of vaginal flushes as well as its biological properties. In the study clinical symptoms of endometritis in examined animals, the structure of microflora of cervical-uterine contents from the sows with postnatal complications (15 %) and the sensitivity of allocated microorganisms to chemo-therapeutic drugs were described. The researches were conducted in a large industrial pig-breeding complex of Omsk Region. In the first 2-3 days in examined animals at clinical inspection the oppression, the increase of body temperature up to 39.5-40.2 °C were observed, decreased milk secretion, the release of exudates from external genitals of mucopurulent nature the amount of which increased within lying animals were noted. At bacteriological researches of the tests with application of standard microbiological methods the following cul-tures of microorganisms were allocated: Staphylococcus sp. (21.4 %); Streptococcus sp. (16.7 %); E. coli (12 %); Proteus sp. (9.8 %); Citrobacter sp. (9.1 %); Klebsiella sp. (7.4 %); Enterobacter sp. (7.1 %); Corynebacterium sp. (6.8 %). The part of microorganisms (Neisseria sp., Micrococcus sp., Serratia sp.) registered much less of-ten and in associations. The associations of microorgan-isms were presented by Streptococcus sp. + Staphylo-coccus sp. (34.3 %); E. coli + Proteus sp. (21.6 %); E. coli + Streptococcus sp. + Staphylococcus sp. + Corynebacterium sp. (16.1 %); Staphylococcus sp. + Klebsiella sp. + Enterobacter sp. (12.3 %); E. coli + Pro-teus sp. + Citrobactersp. + Neisseria sp. (7.4 %); E. coli + Streptococcus sp. + Micrococcus sp. (4.7 %); Proteus sp. + Serratia sp. (3.2 %). Some microorganisms were recorded in associations much less frequently (Neis-seria sp., Micrococcus sp., Serratia sp.). All allocated microorganisms showed the sensitivity to neopen and cefoperazone. Staphylococcus sp. and Streptococcus sp. were sensitive to the following preparations: spectam, ofloxacin, cefazolin and laevomycetin and resistant to erythromycin, Streptococcus sp. - to doxycycline.

sows, postnatal period, endometritis, microbiocenosis, pathogenicity, resistance
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