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Abstract (English):
In the course of scientific research the bulls of exper-imental group were found to have an advantage in com-parison with the control one per one average one-year-old bull: by the number of ejaculates by 6 (5.36 %), the volume of ejaculate by 0.07 ml (1.94 %), by the concen-tration of sperm in one ml of sperm by 0.05 billion (4.07 %), by gross production of native semen by 30 ml (7.69 %), by business output of sperm by 21 ml (1.11 %). However, the instability in the interaction of internal and external environment caused by the trans-portation and change of ecogenesis in the bulls of ex-perimental group contributed to the manifestation of stressful moments, the change in the nature of existing internal genetic links, the increase in biological marriage by 1.10 %. Judging by the indices of the limit of fluctua-tions in native sperm, determining factor was not the change in ecogenesis, but the animal itself, its individual abilities. In the evaluation of thawed cryopreserved sperm in the bulls of experimental group, sperm dose loss was 3.71 %, i.e. more than in control group by 1.09 %, business yield of sperm was practically the same (29.93-30.00 %), the activity of spermatozoa of cryopreserved sperm in the bulls of control group corre-sponded to State Standard, with slight superiority in the bulls of control group immediately after defrosting by 0.08 points, after 2 hours by 0.15 %, after 5-6 hours by 0.14 %. The study of the structure of morphological dis-orders in the structure of spermatozoa in native and cryopreserved sperm revealed that in spring period in the bulls of experimental group PAS (the proportion of abnormal spermatozoa) in native sperm was 0.77-0.78 % lower than State Standard 2345-79 and amounted to 17.22-17.23 %, in other periods of the year, summer, autumn, winter, the excess of PAS in comparison with the sperm to State Standard was 0.17, 0.02, 5.39 %, in the control by 0.19 %, 0.08, 5.47 %, respectively. During the transition of sperm from native to cryopreserved state in the bulls of control group there was an increase in PAS: in spring spermogenesis period by 8.23- 7.96 %, in summer period by 8.04-7.59, in autumn peri-od by 8.10-7.59, in winter season it was 2.90-2.29 %. In the bulls of experimental group compared to the con-trol PAS in all seasons of the year was higher and amounted to 0.07 % over spring period, 0.66 over sum-mer period, 0.46 in the fall, and 0.53 % in winter season.

abnormal sperm, cryopreservation of sperm, fraction of abnormal spermatozoa, ejaculate, concentration of spermatozoa
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