Morphological features of the seeds of five species of the genus Hemerocallis L. (Hemerocallidaceae R. Br.): Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus, H. minor, H. middendorffii, H. citrina and three varieties: Regal Air, George Cunningham, Buffy Doll introduced in the condi-tions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia are described. It is noted that the fruit of the daylily is a mul-ti-seeded, dry, leathery, three-cavity box. It has a shape from rounded to elongated-elliptical. It was found out that the average length of the capsule of the species and varieties studied was 2.4 to 2.8 cm, and that of 0.8 to 1.4 cm. Significant differences between fruit sizes in species and varieties of daylily were not revealed. The analysis showed that the color of the seeds was black, glossy, and their shape is round-ovoid, sometimes al-most spherical or slightly angular. It was revealed that the mass of 1000 seeds ranged from 8.2 g (H. minor) to 24.1 g (Buffy's Doll); the size of the seeds of varieties of local reproduction was 1.5 times higher than in H. minor, H. middendorffii, H. citrine; the ratio of the embryo to the endosperm in the seed made 1:3; real seed production was 5.8-15.6 pieces, i.e. 1.5-2 times lower than poten-tial seed production; seed germination had values from 46.5 % to 100 %. The distinctions in the timing of seed germination were revealed. It was found out that the seeds of the species germinated on the 9-th-11-th day and in the varieties on the 15-th-17-th day. It was shown that cold stratification of seeds within 25 days contributed to the increase in the rate of their germina-tion in 1.5-2 times. The seeds with prolonged storage (4-5 years) lose their germination capacity. Adaptation possibilities of daylilies were manifested during the for-mation of seeds during the whole vegetation period and depended on hydro- and thermal conditions. The results can be used in selection and ontogenetic studies with introduction of Hemerocallis.
Hemerocallis, seeds, morphology, ger-mination, introduction, Western Siberia
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