The research objective was to study the influence of methods of the main soil cultivation on the contamina-tion and productivity of corn. The research was con-ducted in grain-growing crop rotation in field stationary experiment on educational training farm of "Minderlinskoe" ofFSBEI “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University”. The object of the research was chernozyom leached, characterized by raised maintenance of humus (6.1-8.0 %), neutral reaction of soil solution (pH - 6.1-7.0). Particle size distribution of lixivious chernozyom was heavy loamy. The research was carried out in crop rotation with the following alternation of cultures: cideral fallow - spring wheat - barley - corn -spring wheat. The total area of field experiment made 10 hectares. The frequency of the experiments was 4-fold. The term of crops of corn was the 3-rd decade of May. The norm of seeding of seeds of corn was 20 kg/hectare. In each option the corn was sowed on two backgrounds: without fertilizers and fertilized. As mineral fertilizers ammonium nitrate was brought into in the dose of 34.7 kg/hectare. In the fight against monocotyledonous and two-submultiple weeds Elyumis herbicide was applied, MD which dose corresponded to the the producers’ recom-mendations. It was established that giving up of carrying out dump plowing leads to sharp increase of contamina-tion of the crops of corn. Using mineral nitric fertilizers in the form of ammonium nitrate stimulated the growth of contamination of crops of corn on all studied options of field experiment. The smallest productivity of green ma-terial of corn was received in the option without mineral fertilizers and refusal of carrying out the main pro-cessing of the soil. Introduction of ammonium nitrate allowed increasing the productivity of green material of corn on all options of field experiment. On the option with dump plowing the efficiency of corn increased for 61.5 %, with planning loosening - for 41.0 %. The re-placement of dump plowing by surface tillage promoted the increase of this indicator for 35.3 %. On the option without carrying out the main processing of the soil the growth of productivity of green material of corn made 60.4 % in comparison with not fertilized background.
soil minimum tillage system, leached chernozyom, crop contamination, corn, phytosanitary condition, agrocenosis, weeds
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