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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the bulls- producers on the quality of offspring and test the sons according to their own productivity. Meat cattle breeding in the Republic of Khakassia is represented by Hereford breed. In 2014 a new type of Hereford cattle "Andrianovsky" was approved and adapted; it differs from basic in growth rate, the ability to store energy of growth for a long time without carcass deposition, adapted to year-round pasture keeping, allowing pro-ducing high-quality beef with 10-month pasture keeping. The evaluation of animals in the terms of the quality of offspring makes it possible to identify the best producers in the terms of breeding, i.e., those who, when selecting certain uterus, are able to produce higher-quality off-spring better than offspring of other producers. The analysis of the data obtained in the test of bulls on its own productivity shows the stability of selection charac-teristics and the assessment not only of breeding quali-ties of animals, but also their prediction of the appropri-ateness of using in breeding and commodity herds. . The indicators for the assessment of bulls-producers in pedigree producer "Andrianovsky" allowed to differenti-ate the lines and related groups of bulls-producers ac-cording to the qualitative characteristics. During test period, bull calves showed high productivity on average for 210 days of testing the live weight upon removal from the test at the age of 15 months, 444.4 g, which exceeds the rock standard by 12.1 %, the average daily gain is 1110.5 g, while the feed consumption is 7.3 feed units. The maximal genetic potential of growth was shown by sons: bulls-producers: Silovoy 1720 - aver-age daily gain of live weight at the age of 15 months. 1126.2 with feed consumption of 6.9 fodder units breed-ing index 1110.1, Silach 1141 - respectively 1157 g - 6.9 fodder units, 109.1, Yasen 3477 -1125.2, 6.9 - (se-lection index 108.5). The offer to production is for the increase in breeding and productive qualities of Here-ford cattle of new type Andrianovsky to select repair bull-calves estimated on own efficiency with an index of 101 and above and for reproduction to use manufactur-ing bulls estimated on quality of posterity with selection index of 111 and above.

Hereford breed, average daily gain, line, live weight, selection
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