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Abstract (English):
The goal of the paper is the study of heavy metals accumulation in the soil and parent rock material of ad-ministrative regions of the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen Region. Chemical analysis by definition of the quantitative content of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) was carried out by nuclear and absorbing by the method on AAS-3 spectrophotometer. The definition of heavy metals was carried out according to standard tech-niques. The extent of pollution of soils was determined in the relation to the indicators extremely admissible / approximately admissible concentration (Maximum con-centration limit/UEC) of chemicals, to geochemical background and soil Clark's size by Vinogradov. In this connection moving and total forms of heavy metals in the topsoil and also on different depths of meter soil level were determined. In soil samples of the topsoil, the content of moving forms of heavy metals was uneven and located within the limits of allowable/tentative allow-able concentrations. It was revealed that lead concen-tration (total form) in studied horizons wasn‟t uniform, maximum value of this element was observed in 0-20 cm topsoil. The content of cadmium in soil epipedon was insignificantly higher than its content in parent rock material. As the result, „allowable‟ content of lead, zinc, copper and cadmium in the soils of studied territories: maximal concentrations of moving forms was deter-mined and made up 1.0 mg/kg, 0.16 mg/kg, 2.75 mg/kg, 0.07 mg/kg respectfully; total forms 14.37mg/kg, 43.71 mg/kg, 58.33 mg/kg, 0,65 mg/kg respectfully. In all stud-ied soil samples the concentration of analyzed elements was lower than the level of maximum allowable/tentative allowable concentrations, on some plots there was ob-served insignificant excess of geochemical background values and soil Clarke. The allocation of heavy metals in the soils and parent rock material in decreasing order had the following sequence: zinc > copper > lead >cadmium.

northern forest-steppe, soil, vegetation, heavy metals, accumulation, pollution
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