The purpose of the study was the definition of per-spective species of perennial grassy plants for phyto-sanitation of soil cover in polluted territories around the slurry storage of JSC „RUSAL Achinsk‟. The research problems were to analyse chemical composition of technogenic industrial product used for sanitation of polluted soils; to estimate in laboratory and vegetative experiment the adaptation of different grass mixes of perennial herbs for growth on experimental substrata. The researches were conducted in Krasnoyarsk SAU according to standard techniques. From perennial herbs adapted for conditions of Siberia - Poa pratensis L., Phleum pratense L., Melilotus officinalis and Trifolium repens L. three options of the grass mix were made. The efficiency of their use for phytoremediation purpos-es was studied in laboratory and vegetative experiment. As substrata for soil germination from 4 reference sites with silt from the bottom of a pond cooler of exhaust waters of combined heat and power plant JSC “RUSAL Achinsk”, overburden bed rock of production of sand in the floodplain of the Chulym River and silt from left-bank treatment facilities of Achinsk mixed up (5-year-old). In total 14 options of substrata were studied. On the basis of the analysis of chemical composition of technogenic industrial product (overburden bed rock of production of sand in the floodplain of the Chulym River; silt from the bottom of a pond cooler of waters of heat and power plant JSC” RUSAL Achinsk”; silt of Achinsk, (5-year) from left-bank treatment facilities) it is possible to rec-ommend them for using as components of the substrata intended for sanitation of the territory adjoining the vslur-ry storage of JSC “RUSAL Achinsk”. Following the re-sults of laboratory and vegetative researches the effi-ciency of using for phytosanitation of technogenic bro-ken territories around the slurry storage of grass mix of the following structure - meadow grass meadow, herd grass meadow and clover white, or creeping, in per-centage the ratio 40 was established: 40: 20.
phytosanitation, phytoremediation, silt from treatment facilities, sandy loam of overburden bed rock, potentially fertile layer, slurry card
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