The aim of the work was to isolate endophytic bacte-ria from the wood of the laurel poplar (Populus laurifolia Ldb.) and fragrant poplar (Populus suaveolens Fisch. The objectives of the study were to identify endophytic bacteria from the wood of the laurel poplar; isolate en-dophytic bacteria from the wood of the fragrant poplar; to identify microorganisms. Wood samples were taken in early October with sterile increment borer. The wood sawdust from the central part of the trunk was investi-gated by the method of growth. Meat and peptone agar was used as a nutrient medium. The sawdust of the laurel poplar is overgrown with bacteria more intensive- ly, in comparison with the poplar fragrant. To determine enzymatic (biochemical) activity of studied bacteria, differential-diagnostic media of Guiss were used. For isolates of bacteria the identification was carried out by sequencing fragments of the 16S рRNA gene. Bacterial DNA was isolated from the pure cultures of the bacterial strains. 16S рRNA gene fragment was amplified using primers F27 / 1492R. Identification of the bacteria was carried out by sequencing corresponding fragments of the 16S рRNA gene and comparing the resulting nucle-otide sequences with homologous ones from the NCBI database using BLAST programs. Four species strains of Bacillus pumilus, Lysinibacillus fusiformis, Staphylo-coccus pasteuri and Brenneria salicis have been isolat-ed from laurel poplar wood. Three species strains of Bacillus safensis, Brenneria populi were isolated from fragrant poplar wood. The strains of the species Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus safensis, Lysinibacillus fusiformis, Staphylococcus pasteuri are potentially economically valuable species of bacteria. Biochemical activity of isolated strains with the respect to maltose, glucose, sucrose, sorbitol, mannitol, and lactose was studied.
bacterial endophytes, laurel poplar, fra-grant poplar, wood
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