The aim of the study was to assess the ability to adapt R. rugosa to different climatic conditions and to identify the most informative xeromorphic features that can be used in the selective work. The objectives of the study were to conduct morpho-anatomical analysis of adaxial and abaxial epidermis of the leaf, to study water regime and to determine the degree of drought re-sistance of plants and their ability to be adapted. The studies were carried out in phenological stage of “fruit formation” in Belgorod in 2009, and in Bryansk and Saint-Petersburg in 2014. The material was selected according to conventional method taking into account the age of plants and morphological address, the study of the epidermis and its structures was carried out using CM Levenhuk 320, video camera Levenhuk C310 NG, eyepiece micrometer MOB-1-15×U4,2, SEM Quanta 200 3D, calculating hereby the coefficient of tortuosity of anticlinal walls. The technique of Nikitsky Botanical gar-den was used to study water regime of plants. Water content, water deficit and water-holding capacity of the leaf were determined. Morpho-anatomical study of adaxial and abaxial leaf epidermis was carried out. In the conditions of Belgorod and Bryansk stomata con-centration per unit surface of abaxial leaf surface was significantly less than that of the leaves formed in the conditions of St. Petersburg. Water-holding capacity of leaves formed in drought conditions was insufficient, which led to irreversible changes in leaf tissues after six hours of withering. In the conditions of Belgorod the coefficient of anticlinal cells tortuosity in the main cells of adaxial epidermis was significantly higher than in other objects. Water-holding capacity of the leaves formed in drought conditions was insufficient, which led to irre-versible changes in leaf tissues after six hours of wither- ing. The increase of the degree of stomata opening in the conditions of Belgorod promoted the transpiration increase, and the decrease in water-holding ability. In the conditions of Belgorod there occurred visualization of xeromorphism in the leaf blade structure. R. rugosa to a greater extent was adapted to the conditions of Saint Petersburg than that of Belgorod and Bryansk.
R. rugosa, leaf, water regime, adapta-tion, xeromorphic features, the main cells of the epider-mis, stomata, trichomes
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